Faithful attendance is a key factor in student achievement. Students are expected to be present each day possible. The requirements for school attendance are mandated as part of state and local laws.
Tardy/Early Out: Students who arrive in class after 7:45 will receive a tardy slip from the office. It is important for students to arrive on time because three tardies equal a one-day unexcused absence. Students who are checked out before 2:45 will be issued an early dismissal, however, three early dismissals equal a one-day unexcused absence. Elementary students will be permitted to leave school prior to 2:45 only in the company of a parent, legal guardian, school employee, police officer, court officer, or a person designated in writing by the parent(s)/guardian.
Excused Absences: If students are absent, parents are required to send in a note. The following are considered excused absences:
Child’s illness, death in the family, family illness (doctor’s note required), religious observances, absences excused by the principal, approved school-related activities, circumstances which in the judgment of the principal create emergencies over which the student has no control
A doctor’s note is highly recommended if possible as all doctor’s notes are considered excused absences. In addition, parents may submit 10 days of parent notes per school year if their child is at home sick. Any additional absences over 10 parent notes in a year (without a doctor’s note) are considered unexcused absences. Family vacations during the school year are not recommended. Please take care to schedule vacations during school breaks.
Unexcused Absences: If parents do not turn in notes for missed days or have exceeded the number of parent notes, these absences are recorded as unexcused. Unexcused absences are also assigned to students who are excessively tardy or checked out early (see above). If students are logging many unexcused absences, written or verbal contact will be made by the school principal or attendance secretary. If absences continue, students will be referred to the Blount County Truancy Board.